Vicky Matthews

Vicky Matthews


Vicky has worked in education for 17 years with over 11 years extensive leadership experience in a range of contexts, including as a Deputy Headteacher and Leadership Consultant in both Primary and Secondary phases. 

As well as being a panel speaker and presenter at the National Pupil Premium Conference in 2021, Vicky has written several articles published by leading education magazines and organisations, as well as for music education, the subject that first bought her into teaching. She has completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and is a qualified Advanced Skills Teacher.

In her current post, as part of the school effectiveness team, Vicky works closely with our diocesan primary and secondary schools, providing training and school development review visits in preparation for Ofsted readiness.

As with all members of the team, Vicky promotes the Christian distinctiveness of our schools. All of our advisers support the recruitment of, and induction for, headteachers and deputy heads.